Sunday, December 25, 2022

Bringing Efficiency And Transparency To Your Solution Using A CX Management Platform - Blackchair


As multinational organizations divide CX operations among different countries and grant CX agents around the world access to their CX platform, they find themselves dealing with a growing problem: regulating CX actions across the network and preventing unauthorized configuration changes.


With hundreds or even thousands of agents accessing the same platform, it is not unusual for at least one of them to make configuration changes not approved by engineers. Unauthorized modifications can undermine platform stability and productivity, undermining CX quality while raising operating costs. To prevent unauthorized changes, organizations need to improve transparency in the CX network so that unauthorized changes are harder to detect and prevent.


A CX management platform can be an invaluable tool when bringing efficiency and transparency to a CX solution. This article explains how a management platform can turn a vast, complex network into a transparent, efficient environment.


How a CX management platform optimizes the network


Improve monitoring and transparency


Organizations need to improve monitoring and transparency to manage a CX network with multiple users. A CX management platform can provide insight into the configuration changes made to the solution. The management platform features a generic interface, which engineers can use to monitor for updates in real-time and issue commands to better regulate configuration behavior.


For example, engineers can set strict parameters for configuration changes in the CX network. If a CX agent, regardless of their location, makes a change that goes beyond these parameters, it will be flagged and brought to engineers' attention. Since the management platform maintains an audit record, engineers can identify configuration changes quickly instead of wasting time sifting through configuration code.


This effectively improves transparency and monitoring in the CX network, making it easier to find and block configuration changes that undermine system stability. Furthermore, engineers can understand who has access to the system and what changes they made, and prevent anyone from making unauthorized changes.


Undo unauthorized configuration changes

Of course, there are instances where configuration changes can undermine platform stability. When a problem occurs, engineers have to go through a convoluted process of searching through configuration code (which is not user-friendly) to find the cause and then take remedial action. This is a time-consuming process that can undermine system and agent productivity. To prevent such volatility and create a more stable CX platform, organizations require a more efficient way of troubleshooting CX issues.


A CX management platform can optimize this process, turning it into a more timely and efficient one. Since the management platform maintains an audit record, it would be easy for engineers to refer to it, track changes, and discover what triggered the destabilizing change. Maintaining a constant audit record would help engineers optimize their troubleshooting process, reducing the time and energy spent finding these errors.


Furthermore, more advanced automated CX management platforms can further optimize troubleshooting thanks to automated rollback. Automated rollback is a helpful feature where engineers can quickly and rapidly undo any unnecessary configuration changes in a few clicks. This feature is possible because management platforms allow engineers to rapidly resolve configuration errors by rolling back the system to a state before the change. Having such a feature would improve mean-time-to-repair (MTTR) and create a more stable platform.


Set templates for business users


When working within a large organization, it is not unusual for several stakeholders to access the CX platform. Some of these stakeholders could be business users who might have incredible insight into CX or the industry but lack the technical knowledge to operate the platform. Hence, any changes they made were likely to destabilize it. In the past, this would have led to unstable changes that undermined platform stability.


However, this can now be avoided thanks to management platforms. These platforms allow organizations to templatize specific functions for business users. This means if business users need to perform a specific task, they can go through the management platform instead of tampering with the CX solution.


This not only provides an additional layer of security when using the solution, but it also ensures that specific functions can be done without destabilizing the platform. Business users would be executing a template instead of making configuration changes to the platform. With these templates, business users can complete specific tasks without disrupting platform stability, improving productivity while cutting costs.

Bringing efficiency and transparency to the CX solution

Having an efficient, transparent, and productive CX solution is critical for organizations looking to deliver high-quality CX at an affordable cost. 

This is a task that can be difficult to maintain given the number of CX agents that can access the system. Hence, why it is important to invest in an automated CX management platform. This would allow you to optimize configuration management and turn it into a more productive and efficient platform that is critical for delivering high-quality CX. It can even generate several other benefits, such as reducing the contact center's total cost of ownership (TCO).

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