Saturday, January 13, 2024

How conversational messaging is revolutionizing CX

As emerging technologies and dynamic customer needs and expectations threaten to change the CX industry, businesses need to take immediate action to ensure they remain relevant in the minds of customers while staying ahead of the competition.

Adopting conversational CX strategies is key to realizing this objective, and businesses need to invest in data-driven CX forensics to identify areas for improvement in their CX environment and initiate a CCaaS migration that can help them modernize their CX delivery across all channels and customer touchpoints.

The role of visual engagement in enhancing customer experience

Today, businesses are continually striving to provide positive customer experiences and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Over the years, the CX industry has adopted many advanced tools to achieve this goal. 

One of the latest ways CX organizations are trying to achieve this goal is by adopting visual engagement tools like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). They allow organizations to create immersive and personalized experiences for their customers, increasing loyalty. 

In this article, we will explore the role of visual engagement in enhancing customer experience and unlocking customer satisfaction.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

How Blackchair helps optimise contact centre cloud migration


Blackchair is the ideal organisation to help contact centres migrate to a platform, given that we specialise not only in platform translation but also CX analysis, cloud audit and cloud compliance. Blackchair assists contact centres in achieving a smooth transition to a cloud platform, while also making it easier to read and interpret the various metrics that measure performance.

UC/CC Configuration – The Assets you don’t even know you have

The market my company is in sits squarely in the middle of the UC and CC revolution (make no mistake about it, a revolution is happening all around you right now). When a colleague walked through a recent UC/CC event in Florida, he couldn’t believe the number of smaller players vying to take chunks out of the big three solutions. And they’re succeeding; stripping more and more market share every month. 

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Understanding of their omnichannel CX approach : Blackchair


What are the implications of this new metric?

The development of the Experience Index has interesting implications, as it expands what organizations can do with CX research and development. They can develop a a deeper understanding of their omnichannel CX approach to see how the user actually feels. The Index can also reveal a human element to CX journeys, which would be an excellent addition to quantitative data. 

How to embrace CCaaS to initiate a modern contact center evolution fitting the new era of CX

Migrating a legacy contact center to a CCaaS operation is not a small undertaking, no matter the size or level of complexity of the platform. Therefore, having a clear understanding of the potential of your development teams, costs involved, and timeframes for delivery is essential.

It is vital to have an organization-wide understanding of the time and resources required for completing this endeavor. The deployment process should also be planned out, including whether the development will be carried out in phases or if it will be implemented all at once.

Friday, August 25, 2023

CX Automation Trends Shaping Operations In 2024 | Blackchair


Integrate innovations and advanced tools into your contact center while maintaining synergy

Implement the latest and greatest automated solutions in CX without compromising the synergy and synchronization of your CCaaS operation. Discover how automated configuration management can reliably optimize cloud CX environments.

How conversational messaging is revolutionizing CX

As emerging technologies and dynamic customer needs and expectations threaten to change the CX industry, businesses need to take immediate a...